15 Canning and Preserving Ideas for Fall Harvest

In the northern hemisphere the weather is cooling and harvests are peaking. Its time to reap what you have sown.

Here are 15 ideas to get you motivated.

 Preserving Apples

Tip: For apples, consider making apple sauce, apple butter, or canned apple slices. Use a water bath canner for apple sauce and apple butter, while apple slices can be preserved with a light syrup or juice. Ensure apples are firm and free of blemishes.

Pickle Your Fall Vegetables

Tip: For pickling cucumbers, beets, or carrots, use a brine solution of vinegar, water, salt, and sugar. Add spices like dill, garlic, or mustard seeds for flavor. Ensure vegetables are fresh and firm to maintain crispness.

 Canning Pumpkins

Tip: Use a pressure canner for pumpkin purée and cubed pumpkin. The high acidity of pumpkin requires higher temperatures to prevent botulism. Do not can pumpkin using a water bath canner, as it does not reach a high enough temperature.

 Make and Can Tomato Sauce

Tip: For tomato sauce, remove skins and seeds before cooking to create a smooth sauce. Add herbs and spices like basil, oregano, and garlic to get a head start on your marinara or keep it simple for multiple uses later. Use a water bath canner for tomatoes if acid is added or pressure canning if tomatoes are plain.

 Create Delicious Pear Preserves

Tip: Prepare pear preserves or pear jam using a mix of pears, sugar, and lemon juice. Follow tested recipes to ensure proper gel formation and safety. Use a water bath canner for pear preserves.

 Make Pumpkin Spice Jam

Tip: Combine pumpkin puree with sugar, lemon juice, and pumpkin pie spices to make a fall-flavored jam. Follow a tested recipe to ensure proper gelling and processing. Use a water bath canner for this type of jam.

 Preserving Root Vegetables

Tip: For root vegetables like carrots or parsnips, use a pressure canner to ensure they are preserved safely. Blanch vegetables before canning to maintain color and texture. Pack them tightly in jars and cover with boiling water.

 Prepare Apple Cider Vinegar

Tip: Use leftover apple cores and peels to make homemade apple cider vinegar. Place scraps in a jar with water and a bit of sugar, and let it ferment for several weeks. Strain and store the vinegar in clean bottles.

 Make Cranberry Sauce

Tip: Prepare cranberry sauce using fresh cranberries, orange juice, and sugar. Simmer until the sauce thickens, then ladle into sterilized jars. Use a water bath canner to process and preserve the sauce.

 Prepare Sweet Potato Mash

Tip: For sweet potatoes, cook and mash them before canning. Sweet potato mash can be preserved in jars using a pressure canner. Add a pinch of salt or a touch of cinnamon if desired.

 Create Spiced Applesauce

Tip: Enhance applesauce with spices like cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves. Cook apples until soft, blend until smooth, and then process in a water bath canner. Use jars with tight-fitting lids to preserve freshness.

 Make Fall Fruit Compote

Tip: Combine seasonal fruits like pears, apples, and dried fruits with spices and a bit of honey to make a compote. Simmer until the fruit is tender, then can in jars using a water bath canner.

Preserve Fall Greens

Tip: For greens like kale or Swiss chard, blanch and freeze them to preserve their nutritional value. Chop into bite-sized pieces before blanching, and store in airtight freezer bags.

 Prepare Roasted Tomato Salsa

Tip: Roast tomatoes, peppers, onions, and garlic to create a smoky salsa. Combine with lime juice, cilantro, and salt. Process in a water bath canner to ensure safety and long-term preservation.

 Make Homemade Fruit Leather

Tip: Puree fruits like apples, pears, or plums, and spread them thinly on dehydrator trays or baking sheets. Dry until the fruit leather is pliable but not sticky. Cut into strips and store in airtight containers.

Happy harvest!

*These are just general ideas and not meant to replace food safety or safe canning protocols.


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