Chilean Palta


I spent a year in Chile and that’s where my love of avocados really grew. They literally fell out of the trees into the back of my boss’ truck. Pan con palta (bread with avocado) is ingrained in Chilean culture and was popular there long before avocado toast became a thing.

This is how I learned to love it. It’s simple, but I share because my then-boyfriend once asked me “Que haces a la palta!” (What are you doing to that avocado!) when I was attempting to peel it. Ha!

Watch the video if you want a visual how-to.


  • 1 avocado (palta)

  • 1 clove of garlic, minced (to taste, omit for breakfast if you plan on socializing)

  • 1/2 tsp salt

  • the juice of half a lemon


  1. slice the avocado and scoop out the inside flesh into a bowl

  2. add the salt, garlic, and lemon juice and mash together until smooth

  3. enjoy!


Avocados are ripe when they give a little when you press them with your thumb. If they give a lot, feel papery or hollow, they are overripe. If they don’t give at all, they are underripe — wait a few days.

If you buy multiple avocados at the same time they are guaranteed to ripen at the same time. You will need to use them right away. Use citrus (as above) to keep them from going brown.

Shara Cooper

Shara Cooper is the founder of Recipes & Roots. She is the mother of two teenage daughters, one dog, and one cat. She lives in the Kootenays in BC, Canada. At times, Shara isn’t sure if she’s an introverted extrovert or an extroverted introvert.

Chilean pan amasado


Chilean Marraqueta Pan (bread rolls)