Fresh Garden Tzatziki

Tzatiki is known for being served with Greek food, but it likely has its origins from an Indian dish called raita sauce. Regardless of where it came from, it’s perfect. You can use Greek yogurt from the store, but sometimes I’ll make yogurt so I can control out thick and tangy it gets.



  • 1 English cucumber or equivalent from garden

  • 300 grams of thick Greek yogurt (see NOTE *)

  • 2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil

  • 1 tsp apple cider vinegar (see NOTE **)

  • 3 — 5 tbsp shredded fresh dill

  • 1 clove of fresh garlic, minced, or 1/2 tsp garlic purée

  • salt and pepper to taste


  1. Grate the cucumber finely by hand or using food processor. Salt lightly and toss to cover. Set the cucumber in a strainer with a weight on top (can on plate). Leave it for about 10 minutes

  2. Drain the cucumber and add it to a bowl. Add the other ingredients and combine. The full flavour of tzatziki comes out after you've left it to sit for awhile, but you can eat it now if you aren't patient!


* I usually use homemade yogurt, but whatever kind you use, you want it to be thick.

** I use apple cider vinegar in this recipe because in the spirit of eating local, most places can grow apples but not everywhere can grow citrus. Lemon would be the classic acid, although it's also very good with lime or balsamic vinegar.

Shara Cooper

Shara Cooper is the founder of Recipes & Roots. She is the mother of two teenage daughters, one dog, and one cat. She lives in the Kootenays in BC, Canada. At times, Shara isn’t sure if she’s an introverted extrovert or an extroverted introvert.

Bean Sprouts


Sprouted Lentil Salad with Fresh Mint and Goat Cheese