Sprouted Lentil Salad with Fresh Mint and Goat Cheese

This salad is so fresh and tasty. I used my apple mint, but you can use any fresh herb you like. You can also switch out the cheese to feta or … anything you want. Sprouts and cheap way to get some greens in during the winter and many people find them easier to digest.


  • 1.5 — 2 cups sprouted lentils (see NOTE *)

  • 1 tsp. apple cider vinegar or lemon juice (see NOTE **)

  • 1/2 coloured bell pepper, diced

  • 1/2 cup chopped tomatoes

  • 5 — 8 fresh mint leaves, roughly shredded

  • 1 — 2 tbsp. fresh Chevré goat cheese

  • salt and pepper to taste


  1. Combine all ingredients and toss


* Sprouting lentils is super easy and they are ready in about 3 days. You can steam them if you want, but they are very good raw, reminiscent of fresh snap peas.

** I use apple cider vinegar in this recipe because most locations have apple trees for making vinegar, but red wine vinegar and also balsamic work well.

Shara Cooper

Shara Cooper is the founder of Recipes & Roots. She is the mother of two teenage daughters, one dog, and one cat. She lives in the Kootenays in BC, Canada. At times, Shara isn’t sure if she’s an introverted extrovert or an extroverted introvert.


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